Insurance & Business Office

Advanced Cardiovascular Specialists is contracted with most insurance plans. For proper claims processing, we will require a current copy of your insurance card at the time of the visit and your insurance benefits will be verified by our office staff.
It is the patient’s responsibility to be familiar with the policy benefits and to know if authorization or referral is required. Since most primary care offices and insurance carriers cannot process a referral in less that 7 to 14 days, please contact your insurance carrier and/or primary care office well in advance of your appointment date here.
Co-pays and co-insurance payments are due at the time services are rendered. For those patients with large deductibles, limited benefits, and/or for those who are without medical coverage, our billing department will be happy to create a payment program for you. We do not wish anyone to be denied medical care because of a financial hardship. If you have had any difficulty understanding or paying your bill, we encourage you to contact our billing department.
Medical Records (Release of Information):
To request a copy of your medical records, please complete our medical release form listed below. To request records from your primary care doctor or another specialist please contact their office.